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Welcome to the Operational Services Division (OSD) UFR eFiling System

The Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR) is the set of financial statements and schedules required of human and social service organizations who deliver services to the Commonwealth's vulnerable consumers via contracts with state departments.   Learn more...more...

In accordance with the Fair Information Practices Act (FIPA) pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 66A, the Operational Services Division (OSD) is providing notification to all Uniform Financial Statement and Independent Auditor’s Report (UFR) preparers and Users of the Internet–based UFR eFiling System and database that certain provisions of FIPA prohibit the use of an individual’s social security number as an identifying number on any of the statements, notes or schedules contained in a UFR filing or in a profile for access to the UFR eFiling System.  Excluded from this prohibition are identifying numbers that are currently contained in a “public record” as defined M.G.L. Chapter 4 sec. 7.


Uniform Financial Statements & Independent Auditor's Report Subscription Service for an Advanced UFR Search
 Non-Profit Purchasing Program
  What can I do on this site?


Contractors must file their UFRs and indicate which Certified Public Accountant will audit or review their UFR.

Federal Funds Reports

Download and access Multiple Fiscal Years POS Expenditures and Federal Funds Listing.


CPAs must authenticate the UFRs submitted by their clients to this eFiling system as the same UFR audited or reviewed by the firm.


Subscribers may, for a reasonable fee, take advantage of this exciting new feature. Instead of going through each and every UFR, available to the general public under the public records law, subscribers can save time by extracting specific items for an in-depth review. Further critical analysis, without the time-consuming effort, are available at the click of a mouse.

General Public

The General Public may now conduct a basic search of UFR information. The provision of on-line UFR information fulfills all public records requests (as required under M.G.L. c.4 s.7 ss.26 and M.G.L. c.66 s.10) without delays or reproduction expenses.